Analytics, but more. Squeeze extra EPC from your clicks

RedTrack provides robust filtering, manual and automatic traffic distribution solutions to increase your ROI.

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    Funnels, filters, rotations.

    We’ve got all the tools you need to maximize your EPC.

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    Frequencies and caps

    We help you prevent traffic overflow.

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    Rule-based traffic distribution

    To save you from extra efforts.

Save time and achieve better results with RedTrack

Traffic distribution tools

If you can describe the funnel, we can help you track it. We never say we can track all, as affiliates are very creative. Between filters, rotations, weights, caps, and frequencies, we can reproduce most. And with custom solutions like unique path filters, we can take it to the next level.

Track & attribute every channel

Traffic distribution automation

Traffic performance is never static. With RedTrack, you can apply rules to change lander or offer weight in rotation based on their performance. For more complex funnels, you can set up auto optimization that will send each click on a path to maximizing goals as predicted by RedTracks AI / ML. And if you mix it with several funnels and filters — you`ll get a Smart Link. For your traffic, or for your partners’.

Track every step of the funnel.

How can RedTrack help me?

  • Ad spend sync 30, 15, 5 minutes

  • AI assisted revenue attribution

  • Advanced integration with major ad networks

  • Automated Rules & Auto-optimization

  • Ads Manager as part of UI

  • Customizable reports with granular breakdowns

  • Team workspace with permission-based access

  • Single platform to track & scale