100% accurate attribution
We can match almost 100% of conversions to their origin ad based on your attribution model. Forget about late and missing conversions, always know which ads to scale and which to kill.
We can match almost 100% of conversions to their origin ad based on your attribution model. Forget about late and missing conversions, always know which ads to scale and which to kill.
RedTrack provides conversion API for Facebook, Google, TikTok and other ad networks. So you do not need to look for other solutions or build one in-hourse. RedTrack listens to and works closely with hundreds of large media buyers to provide constant Conversion API updates to improve its efficiency.
RedTrack has developed several “know hows” in collecting data and processing Conversion API calls. From being able to send ALL conversions to one or several event managers at the same time to allowing you to get ”Good” match rate even without data like e-mail or phone, RedTrack helps you get maximum value from the data you send back to your ad networks.
With RedTrack, every minute and every dollar counts. You can choose 30, 15, or 5-minute update frequency for your automation, and enjoy instantaneous updates of your performance.
We mix server-side tracking with 1st party data to provide accuracy without compromising privacy. Smart, AI-based attribution is perfect for multi-browser, multi-channel funnels.
Our team gets feedback from hundreds of clients using Conversion API, so it's not only up-to-date with API requirements, but on the forefront of best practices. With RedTrack you can focus on media-buying and leave integrations to us.
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Get everything you need to improve the results on every dollar spent on ads: drive conversions with real-time reports on your performance.
RedTrack allows having all your marketing data from all channels in one place. Helping marketers make optimization and strategy decisions much easier.
Real-time data reporting on every marketing channel you use
Customizable & flexible reports, breakdowns, templates, and filters
Accurate tracking enabled by privacy-friendly technologies
No data sampling or aggregation for proper attribution
RedTrack saves you from daily manual tasks so you can focus on strategy and growth.
Real-time cost updates enabled by API-integrations
Automated conversion upload to FB, Google, TikTok, Bing, etc.
Optimization of campaigns’ performance
Performance alerts and notifications
RedTrack is built to support marketing teams in effective collaboration.
Multi-access for permission-based teamwork
Full-access API for advanced integration capabilities
Scheduled log upload to cloud for further work and sharing
Mobile app for App Store and Google Play
Live multi-lingual support
Multilingual support
RedTrack’s Partnership Portal is a single tool you need to manage and measure partner marketing campaigns.
Toolset for affiliate tracking
Customization and flexible program conditions
Referral program management
Promo code tracking & attribution