ad spend & revenue sync

Get a clear picture of how ad spend drives your revenue.

Real-time. Across all major ad networks, including Facebook, TikTok, Google, YouTube, and Bing, with up to 5-min cost update frequency up to ad level.

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    100% revenue attribution

    Where it is S2S postback or webhook, App for Shopify or ClickBank, or even GTM data layer - RedTrack can capture both conversion event and conversion revenue and attribute it to relevant channel or ad.

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    100% ad spend sync

    You need both revenue and ad spend to measure ROI. RedTrack has API integrations with more than twenty ad networks, including FB, TT and Google to provide accurate cost updates up to ad level. Yes, we can do it every 5 minutes.

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    200+ integrations and templates

    Say goodbye to CSV uploads. RedTrack provides users with evergrowing list of API integrations, app and templates.

Save time and achieve better results with RedTrack

Multi-currency support

RedTrack can convert your multi-currency ad spend or revenue real-time to ensure you have consistent, harmonized data.

Track & attribute every channel

Ad spend that drives results

Every revenue dollar can be attributed to every dollar of ad spend to provide data and insights into ROI performance across all channels on all level. Connect as many ad accounts as you need and let RedTrack API do the work for you. Every 5 minutes.

Track every step of the funnel.

How can RedTrack help me?

  • Ad spend sync 30, 15, 5 minutes

  • AI assisted revenue attribution

  • Advanced integration with major ad networks

  • Automated Rules & Auto-optimization

  • Ads Manager as part of UI

  • Customizable reports with granular breakdowns

  • Team workspace with permission-based access

  • Single platform to track & scale